Improved Web Experience


We’ve just released a new, greatly improved user experience on the BaseStone web application. After listening to your feedback, we’ve made some changes which will help you work more productively on the BaseStone web app. See the changes below and let us know what you think.


New side panel


When you go onto a drawing, you’ll see an panel on the left hand side. This is where all issues, reports, revisions and the file details will be displayed. We’ve added the ability to collapse the panel, so you can see the drawing in its entirety.

Screenshot 2016-04-16 10.01.57


New issue layout


You will notice that issues look slightly different, but contain the same information and work in exactly the same way.


Screenshot 2016-04-16 10.02.30

Improved drawing tool layout


When you create or edit an issue, the drawing tool panel will appear on the right hand side of the screen. From here you can add markup and photos to issues.

Screenshot 2016-04-16 10.37.41


As always we love to hear your feedback so let us know what you think! Email or just press the red feedback button.